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Welcome! Please Join!

Mendocino Women’s Political Coalition is more determined than ever to increase the number of women elected to office across California and throughout the country. We do this by what we’ve always done best:

Identifying, Recruiting, Training, and Financially Supporting Women Candidates!

The important work of MWPC is made possible by membership dues, especially in election years. Financial backing for women comes with MWPC endorsement. Early endorsement along with an MWPC check is often what jump starts a campaign and encourages other supporters.

This is an especially important year for women. Let’s be proactive about the futures for women and girls. Remember, women are the majority of the USA voting population. Join MWPC and together we will work toward further equality.


Mail your Regular Membership $25 check to:

MWPC, PO Box 1140, Ukiah, CA 95482



Pay Pal


If you wish to contribute more, sign up for:

Sponsoring Membership (Yes, I d like to make sure that all women belong.) – $50

Sustaining Membership (I wish to contribute more to accomplish our goals.) – $100


Please include your name, email, postal address, home and cell phone and the date and indicate which activities you might want to become involved in:

  1. Candidate Endorsements
  2. Public Forums
  3. Women’s History Events
  4. Other–Please Describe


In Sisterhood,

Val Muchowski, MWPC Chair

Janice Lombardi, Membership Coordinator,

The year runs from January 1 to December 31.

Scholarships are available.